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Welcome to the Tennessee Values PAC


We passionately strive to uplift individuals and families by igniting and preserving the flame of Tennessee pride, nurturing a deep sense of belonging and heritage within our communities. Through unwavering dedication, we invest in the long-term economic success of our people, crafting policies that pave the way for prosperity and opportunity for generations to come. With open hearts and outstretched hands, we provide supportive services to all, embodying the spirit of unity and compassion that defines our great state. Together, we rise, empowered by our shared commitment to a brighter, more inclusive future where every Tennessean thrives.


How We Do It:

Promoting Integrity: We actively seek out and support candidates who demonstrate a commitment to voting their conscience and representing the needs and values of their constituency above partisan interests. Through rigorous vetting processes and engagement with political leaders, we prioritize integrity and accountability in our candidate selection.

Non-Partisan Advocacy: Our approach transcends traditional party lines. We advocate for candidates who prioritize the interests of their constituents, irrespective of political affiliation. By fostering a non-partisan ethos, we aim to cultivate a political landscape where elected officials are empowered to act in the best interests of the people they serve.

Community Engagement: We engage directly with communities to understand their unique concerns and aspirations. By facilitating open dialogue and collaboration, we ensure that candidates align with the needs and values of their constituents. Through grassroots efforts and community organizing, we amplify the voices of ordinary citizens in the political process.

Educating Voters: We believe that an informed electorate is essential for a thriving society. Through educational campaigns and voter outreach initiatives, we empower citizens with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions at the ballot box. By promoting civic engagement and participation, we strengthen the democratic process and hold elected officials accountable to their constituents.

Building Coalitions: We recognize the power of collaboration in effecting meaningful change. By building coalitions with like-minded organizations and individuals, we amplify our collective impact and leverage diverse perspectives to advance our mission. Through strategic partnerships and alliances, we build a broad-based movement committed to promoting principled leadership and accountable governance.

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